Udaan Prime Circle Meet, Gurugram on 28th July

Do you want to have impactful connections to achieve desired growth?


Exchange Ideas, expertise and experiences to amplify your network.

We are extremely excited to share that Udaan Prime Circle Meet , Gurugram is going to be conducted on 28th July 2024, 10.00 am to 12.30 pm ( followed by Lunch) at 90B, Delhi - Jaipur Expy, Udyog Vihar, Sector 18, Gurugram, Haryana 122008.


Key Highlights are -

•Brainstorming on your requirements and Practical solutions

•New connections and ideas sharing


It is Right time to get connected with right people to build a circle of trust


Book your seat immediately at Early Bird offer fees of Rs 1800/- instead of Rs 3600/-.


This special pass of Rs 1800 instead of Rs 3600/- which will include one additional online networking session + Upgradation to premium Networking wa group + 2 months of Networking mentor+ Android App digital access.


Seats are offered on first come first serve basis only.



What is Guftagu A circle of Trust ?

Guftagu A circle of Trust is a community of leaders to facilitate exchange of ideas, skills and connects for net positive outcomes.

What are the benefits of Guftagu ? ?

Prime connect Guftagus are Personalized small group Interaction: Meet ups in different formats in small groups (Not more than 40) Omni Channel Bonding: Real interaction with Distinguished professionals Impactful Connections : Personal Bonding learning to exchange of Connects, skills and ideas Personal Branding of the Members Passionate Discussions and Informal Conversations Lots of Guftagu Rewards to its community Enhance business and career prospects Amplifying happiness

Pls Check Event Fee & Proceed Registration
Total Payable
Rs. 1800.00.00
